Tea: Sweet Orange Spice
Type: Black Tea
Packaging: Teabag / pyramid silken infuser
Company: Tea Forte
Purchase: Here
Description: An enticing blend of black tea, orange and cinnamon. Capture the flavors of the season with this enticing blend of black tea, cinnamon and orange. A limited edition holiday tea.
As noted before I really do enjoy their cute pyramid silken infusers with fake leaf tag.
Steep Information:
Amount: 1 teabag
Additives: none
Water: 6 ounces boiling filtered water
Steep Time: a little over 3 minutes
Served: Hot
Tasting Notes:
Smell: Clove - Orange, reminds me of christmas
Flavor: orange, tea, spice
Body: full
Aftertaste: woody spice
Liquor: light reddish brown
Too much spice, not enough tea. I know it says cinnamon but I tasted clove and couldn't find the cinnamon.
Post-Steep Additives: Added sugar - also added honey (two separate brews) the sweetness in both cases brought out more of the orange, smoothed the flavor and gave a nice sweetness.
Weak spiced water, no tea flavor.
Not recommended
Rating: 1.5/3
Not a bad tea, but too spiced for my tastes

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