Tea: Authentic green tea with white tea
Type: Green Tea
Packaging: Teabag
Company: Celestial Seasonings
Purchase: Here
Description: Green tea leaves come from the same plant as traditional black tea, but are quickly dried to preserve their vibrant color and natural antioxidants. We’ve blended our authentic green tea with delicate Bai Mu Dan white tea – one of the rarest and youngest of teas – to create a smooth, balanced cup with a pleasantly mild flavor.
Ingredients: Green tea and white tea.
Steep Information:
Amount: 1 teabag
Additives: none
Water: 8 ounces 180 degree filtered boiled water
Steep Time: a little over 2 minutes
Served: Hot
Tasting Notes:
Smell: grassy, vegetal
Flavor: grassy, bitter
Body: Light (MilitiaJim) Medium (AmazonV)
Aftertaste: bitter
Liquor: light greenish brown
I didn't have high hopes, and I was right, but it was free. No full leaf here.
Post-Steep Additives: Honey, which took the bite out of the bitter but it was still there, reminded me of a more bitter Arizona tea green tea with honey.
Resteep: didn't work out, too weak
Rating: 1/3
the sample packaging, the first steep versus the resteep, and the teabag

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