Tea Information:
Tea: Baked Apple Black
Type: Black Tea
Packaging: Loose Leaf
Company: Radiance Tea House and Books
Purchase: Here
Description: ?
Ingredients: ?
Steep Information:
Amount: 3 teaspoons
Additives: none
Water: 1 teapot (less than 20 ounces) filtered boiling water
Steep Time: a little over 2 minutes
Served: Hot
Tasting Notes:
Smell: apple spice
Flavor: black tea, spice
Body: Medium
Aftertaste: a little spice
Liquor: medium reddish brown
This seems a touchy tea, and it needs sugar or honey really to make me enjoy it. I had such high hopes
Post-Steep Additives: none
14 minutes, and it was very very weak
Rating: 2/3

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