Tea: Orange Blossom
Type: Green Tea
Packaging: Teabag
Company: Tazo
Purchase: Here
Description: A light yet invigorating green tea highlighted by the refreshing essence of oranges with hints of subtle, warm, Jasmine floral notes.
Description: An uplifting blend of fragrant jasmine green tea, soothing herbs of chamomile, fennel and tarragon along with refreshing orange peel and goji berries that are heralded for their antioxidants.
Sitting down to enjoy a cup of Orange Blossom Blend tea can truly be an uplifting mental and physical experience. The pleasantly floral jasmine green tea aroma and flavor provide a wonderful backdrop that allows the soothing chamomile, fennel and tarragon to shine through in just the right amounts. Exotic goji berries provide great visual appeal and lend natural antioxidants to the brewed cup of tea. To complete the experience our tea masters have added a touch of pure orange and bergamot essence to provide a light and refreshing aroma. If you need a bit of an escape and don’t have the time to travel, enjoy a cup or Orange Blossom Blend and bring those relaxing exotic places to you.
Ingredients: hinted at above, no definitive list
Steep Information:
Amount: 2 filterbags
Additives: none
Water: 20 ounces, hot spigot at Starbucks store
Steep Time: a little over 10 minutes, the walk back from the store
Served: Hot
Tasting Notes:
Smell: Orange, wood, and chemical?
Flavor: bitter, citrus
Body: Medium
Aftertaste: heavy, sandy, bitter
Liquor: dark orange brown, nearly not transparent
I do not like the smell or flavor, however it was too hot water and too long, so we'll see how the resteep goes.
Post-Steep Additives: none
Resteep: 20 ounces some cold water and hot spigot water 2 teabags; smelled more chamomile citrus tangy, taste lighter (medium) and vegetal and spicy (herbs?), after taste a tinge spicy (herbs?) and bitter
Not liking this busy tea.
Rating: 1/3

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