Tea: Zen
Type: Green Tea
Packaging: Teabag / Full leaf in filterbag
Company: Tazo
Purchase: Here
Description: Zen's distinct green tea flavor accented with lemon and mint is impossible to express in words. Best simply to experience its sweet, lingering aftertaste. Select pan-fried green tea from Zhejiang province in China, artfully combined with lemongrass, spearmint and a hint of lemon essence.
Ingredients: Green teas, lemon verbena leaves, spearmint leaves, lemongrass and natural flavors.
Steep Information:
Amount: 2 teabags
Additives: none
Water: 20 ounces hot spigot water
Steep Time: a little over 10 minutes (walking time)
Served: Hot
Tasting Notes:
Tea Smell: sweet, floral, vegetal
Wet Leaf Smell: lemon, mint, grass
Flavor: floral, sweet, grassy
Body: Medium
Aftertaste: sour tangy, bitter that feels thick on your tongue and lingers
Liquor: murky cloudy brown-green
I think the water spigot is too hot and I let it sit too long ruining any changes the poor tea ever had.
Post-Steep Additives: none
2 teabags
a bit less than 20 ounces of hot spigot water
3 minutes
More of a floral lemongrass and mint scent
taste is lighter, lemongrass followed by mint
color much lighter-more of a honey tone
So done properly this is a light refreshing tea that hints at green and is more of a lemongrass mint flavor apparently.
I don't think I'll buy this tea, but it would be an easy choice when this is an option offered when dining somewhere.
Rating: 2/3

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