Tea: Cinnamon Stick
Type: Black Tea
Packaging: Teabag
Company: Bigelow
Purchase: Here
Description: In Cinnamon Stick®, we use only the finest mountain-grown tea blended with pure, natural cinnamon.
Ingredients: black tea, cinnamon
Steep Information:
Amount: 1 teabag
Additives: none
Water: flavia hot spigot, 1 mug full
Steep Time: a little over 2 minutes
Served: Hot
Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: cinnamon, but you had to get close and sniff
Steeped Tea Smell: cinnamon, again you had to get close to it, it didn't hit you from say the desk while it was sitting next to me
Flavor: weak black tea, light cinnamon
Body: Medium
Aftertaste: bitter, astringent
Liquor: dark brown
One of my coworkers shared the tea love and gave me a few bags of this tea (yea!).
I was hoping for more of a hot cinnamon heart *POW*, but it was more a subdued cinnamon flavor. I may add sugar next time to try and round the tea out more.
Post-Steep Additives: none
Resteep: not at work, not sure where I'd put the teabag!
Rating: 1.5/3

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