Tea: Mango Ceylon
Type: Black Tea
Packaging: Teabag
Company: The Republic of Tea
Purchase: Here
Description: This favored tea is light, sweet & intoxicatingly fragrant. Mango & sunflower blossoms are blended with superior Ceylon tea leaves to produce an uplifting cup. Wonderful served over ice.
Ingredients: fine black tea, natural mango flavor, and sunflowers
Steep Information:
Amount: 1 bag, 1.7g
Additives: none
Water:8 ounces filtered boiling
Steep Time: a little over 3 minutes
Served: Hot
Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell:
AmazonV: fruity, mango
MilitiaJim: vaguely tropical, hint of mango
Steeped Tea Smell:
AmazonV: Mango, black tea
MilitiaJim: Does AmazonV know what a mango smells /tastes like?
AmazonV: I peel your mangoes!
MilitiaJim: generic fruit
AmazonV: Mango snob
AmazonV: Mango, black tea
MilitiaJim: slight fruit and black tea
Body: Medium
AmazonV: bitter
MilitiaJim: none
Liquor: deep dark brown
Republic of tea sample (included in catalog they send)
Neither of us got the sunflower flavor.
Post-Steep Additives: 1/2 tsp white sugar, got rid of the bitter for me, he didn't notice anything
Rating: 1.5/3

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