Tea: Lapsang Souchong
Type: Black Tea
Packaging: Loose Leaf
Company: Radiance Tea House and Books
Purchase: In Store, 158 West 55th Street, NY, NY
Description: An intense and unmistakable smoky aroma created by placing the leaves in bamboo baskets over pine wood fires where they slowly absorb the essence of the smoke. A smoky tea lover’s delight.
Steep Information:
Prepared as part of the Steepster meetup and tea tasting
Tasting Notes:
From China
If the origin is Fujin it's great, it has the most sweet flavor, use only local pine wood
Second brew is known for a dragonfruit or lychee flavor
The tea was prepared in a purple clay Yixing teapot seasoned for Lapsang Souchong - and so was sweeter for it
Smell: Campfire
Liquor: Translucent brown
Taste: smooth black tea, smoky, sweet
After-taste: smoky
Sorry my notes are so short and cryptic but it was a whirlwind tasting of so much information and flavor!
Rating: I am intentionally not rating these teas as I didn't really have a chance to sit there and sip on them and think whether I would by them again, like to play with them more, although none were awful (1 leaf) or fabulous (4 leaves)

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