Tea: Jasmine Pearl
Type: Oolong Tea
Packaging: Loose Leaf
Company: thepuriTea
Purchase: Here
Description: Jasmine Pearl is often classified as a green tea, but the hand-rolling process causes oxidation, making it a pouchong (a lightly oxidized oolong tea). Our Jasmine Pearl Oolong was plucked from the tips and leaves of tea plants in Fujian, China and then infused with the essence of fresh jasmine flowers and coiled into tiny spheres of flavor and fragrance. Their hazy brew smells like sweet jasmine, fresh fruit and vanilla, and tastes richly floral. Smooth, sweet jasmine essence is balanced with flavors of vanilla and banana leaves. An enchantingly clean, sweet, lingering aftertaste makes this handmade, all-natural jasmine tea a fan favorite. Try it with Thai coconut custard or sip it after a meal of dim sum.
Steep Information:
Amount: 6.3 g (one of the two sample packs included in the pillow box)
Water: 500ml filtered water 180°F
Tool: Breville One-Touch Tea Maker BTM800XL (custom, mild)
Steep Time: 3 minutes
Served: Hot
Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: strong sweet jasmine flowers
Steeped Tea Smell: lightly sweet and jasmine flower
Flavor: floral, slightly vegetal, sweet, refreshing
Body: Light
Aftertaste: sweet
Liquor: translucent yellow-green
Resteep: 4min, a bolder flavor but slightly astringent.
Not as strong a flavor as I would have preferred, perhaps a longer steep, the smell was amazing though.
Rating: 3/4 leaves

Leaf system:
1=Bleh! not again if it were free
2=Acceptable, if it were free or there were limited other tea options
3=I might purchase this tea from time to time, or select it while out
4=A staple in our cupboard from now on, I will purchase and keep purchasing

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