Tea: zealong aromatic
Type: Oolong Tea
Packaging: Loose Leaf
Company: Chicago Tea Garden and Zealong
Purchase: Here
Description: These leaves are roasted at high temperatures for a clear aroma and taste, with a hint of fruit and flowers.
Zealong is grown naturally without chemical sprays, fertilizers, additives and other contaminants. Additionally, a strict quality assurance system has been implemented that meets the ISO22000 standard. It is tended and picked by hand and processed to the world’s most stringent food safety standards.
For more information, see our Zealong page.
Chicago Tea Garden First to Import New Zealand Tea to the USA
Steep Information:
Amount: 25g
Water: 750ml filtered water at 195°F
Tool: Breville One-Touch Tea Maker BTM800XL (Oolong, custom)
Steep Time: 1 minute
Served: Hot
Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: tropical, fruity, sweet, milk oolong
Steeped Tea Smell: fruity, sweet, milk oolong
Flavor: sweet, smooth, milky, vegetal
Body: Light
Aftertaste: sweet
Liquor: translucent pale yellow green
Wow! look at how much those leaves expanded! I kept the leaves in the refrigerator when I ran off to work in order to try a resteep or two when I get home tonight. I was tempted to try a cold brew but needed to run for my train.
I think I need to tweak with the steeping parameters, it's a bit weak, I may try a little longer or a little hotter.
Overall even weak it was fruity and smooth and enjoyable. With current steeping parameters I would not buy more of this flavor, but would enjoy what I have and gladly select it when out. I am hoping it improves with tweaking.
I think sweetener would overpower the tea.
The packaging was beautiful and very well done. There was a pamphlet, a booklet, and a box. The box was textured black with slashes of green on the inner box that you could see through the cut outs on the side. Inside the box was a miniature brochure and a tin that was also textured. Inside the tin was a resealable vacuumed packaged bag that was also textured! I'm grateful for all the information included as well by the Chicago Tea Garden.
Rating: 3/4 leaves

Leaf system:
1=Bleh! not again if it were free
2=Acceptable, if it were free or there were limited other tea options
3=I might purchase this tea from time to time, or select it while out
4=A staple in our cupboard from now on, I will purchase and keep purchasing
my package from the Chicago tea company

the outside of the box

the inner pamphlet

The tin

The bag:

Making the tea:

I think I just walked through a very exotic tea experience. Thanks for the amazing pics of the packaging! It looks like it should be a solid "4" in a tea leaves rating.
I think that it will get bumped to a 4 once i stop abusing the poor leaves :) This is probably the closest I am going to have to a beautiful exotic New Zealand vacation this year :)
With a new tea it always takes me a couple cups to find the best way to get the leaves to show me their best side.
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