Tea: Coconut Flavored Black Tea - Iced Tea Series
Type: Black Tea
Packaging: Loose Leaf
Company: 52Teas
Purchase: Here
Here are FIVE unique iced tea blends we’ve created from high quality Nilgiri CTC teas. These are uber fine teas, so they are not as pretty as our whole leaf teas, but they steep up a bold, rich, flavorful iced tea. We’ve packaged them in approximately 1.2oz. pouches, which is just enough for one gallon of iced tea (more if you re-steep) so you can just rip them open, dump them out and steep. No measuring required!
Ingredients: Premium Indian CTC teas, natural flavors
Steep Information:
Amount: 1 packet
Water: 3Qt
Tool: Mr. Coffee Iced Tea Maker
Served: Cold
Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: natural coconut
Steeped Tea Smell: black tea, hint of coconut
Flavor:very strong, mostly black tea
Body: Full
Aftertaste: astringent
Liquor: dark brown
it's for 4q i had 3q
Post-Steep Additives: sugar, water - delicious! smoother, medium bodied, stronger coconut flavor, great summer drink (see what you get for following directions)
Rating: 3/4 leaves

Leaf system:
1=Bleh! not again if it were free
2=Acceptable, if it were free or there were limited other tea options
3=I might purchase this tea from time to time, or select it while out
4=A staple in our cupboard from now on, I will purchase and keep purchasing

I purchased this product. All my reviews are as unbiased as possible, whether I buy or receive free product. I accept no other compensation other than free product.
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