Tea: Double Chocolate Decadence
Type: Black Tea
Packaging: Loose Leaf
Company: 52Teas
Purchase: Here
Description: …or la petite mort.
For LiberTEAS, who wanted something EXTRA chocolatey.
Here’s our new black tea base of Chinese black tea, Assam and a hint of Darjeeling, blended with organic cacao nibs and twice the usual amount of organic flavors. This is a very heady, sensational treat you are not going to want to miss.
Our Tea of the Week for the week of June 4, 2012
Ingredients: Premium black teas, organic cacao nibs, organic flavors.
Steep Information:
Amount: 2 tsp
Water: 12oz at boiling
Tool: kati loose tea system 12oz
Steep Time: a little over 3 minutes
Served: Hot
Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: chocolate liquor (the alcoholic kind)
Steeped Tea Smell: chocolate
Flavor: bakey, hint of coco at end of sip
Body: Medium
Aftertaste: astringent, hints coco nib
Liquor: Barely translucent dark brown
never chocolaty enough :(
Rating: 2/4 leaves

Leaf system:
1=Bleh! not again if it were free
2=Acceptable, if it were free or there were limited other tea options
3=I might purchase this tea from time to time, or select it while out
4=A staple in our cupboard from now on, I will purchase and keep purchasing
I purchased this product. All my reviews are as unbiased as possible, whether I buy or receive free product. I accept no other compensation other than free product.
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