Tea: apple pomegranate
Type: Herbal Tea
Packaging: Teabag / silken pyramid infuser
Company: Tea Forte Company
Purchase: ?
Description: a vibrant fruity blend of pomegranate and crisp apple.
Ingredients: ?
Steep Information:
Amount: 1 teabag
Additives: none
Water: 6 ounces filtered boiling
Steep Time: a little over 5 minutes
Served: Hot
Tasting Notes:
Smell: apple, fruity, tangy
Flavor: citrus, tangy
Body: Medium
Aftertaste: apple, tangy
Liquor: red, almost pinkish
This was a gift to me, a part of a Winter Collection of festive winter teas (10 bags, 5 flavors).
others in the collection
>>Sweet Orange Spice
>>Crimson Nectar
Post-Steep Additives: none
over 10 minutes, no patience left for more
weak, but not water weak
light spiced? apple odor
slightly citrus tangy flavor
aftertaste of apples then tang
Rating: 2/3

Oh my! All this time I thought you were a hardcore coffee drinker! I'm clueless about tea, even though I have been to a couple of tea-cuppings at 15th Ave Coffee and Tea. Have you been to a tea cupping? Apple-pomegranate tea sounds good, but when I crave caffeine, I always find myself turning to coffee.
I was pretty clueless about tea and coffee quality until I left college and had the opportunity to start reading for fun. At that point I devoured everything about caffeine I could. Before that I admit I loved Starbucks because it was a nice place for high schoolers to hang out with friends and not the coffee itself.
I have not yet gotten to go to a tea-cupping. For my 25th birthday I threw myself a part at a local tea house that introduced us to multiple different tea (and pairings) and described how to taste and appreciate tea, but it was tea appreciation not a professional level tea ceremony or tea tasting (like they would at the location it was being made). It was more like visiting a winery.
I find that coffee leaves me much more jittery, physically, so since I can only tolerate so much of it I am more careful about the quality and trying new things to see which I love best so i don't 'waste' my coffees. I've been trying to try all different blends and styles. Luckily my fiance drinks tons of coffee so he takes all the beans to work after I get my few french presses.
I guess it also helps tea is much easier to make in the office than good coffee and I can only sneak out to Starbucks so many times a day!
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