Tea: winter chai
Type: Red Tea
Packaging: Teabag / silken pyramid infuser
Company: Tea Forte
Purchase: Here
Description: Classic spices familiar to chai drinkers evoke the aromas of the holidays in this crimson rooibos herbal. A limited edition holiday tea.
Ingredients: rooibos, cardamom, cloves, lemongrass
Steep Information:
Amount: 1 teabag
Additives: none
Water: 6 ounces filtered boiling
Steep Time: a little over 5 minutes
Served: Hot
Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: cinnamon, clove, red tea, woody
Steeped Tea Smell: cinnamon, clove, MilitiaJim was getting cardamom
Flavor: cinnamon, woody
Body: Medium
Aftertaste: spicy
Liquor: deep reddish-brown
This was part of the Tea Forte Winter Collection I got as a holiday gift. This is the last flavor!
This is a nice spicy red tea (I can't do caffeine after 6 pm). The cinnamon really dominates and you need to look for the other flavors for you to recognize their presence.
Perhaps I should have steeped it longer? I also can't smell or taste the lemongrass. I could see it though.
I found it more classic chai than the The Tao of Tea Loose Leaf Red Tea 'Red Bush Chai'
It was much stronger tasting than the Allegro Coffee Company Teabag Red Tea 'Rooibos Red Spice'
And it is more drinkable without tweaking than the The Republic of Tea Loose Leaf Red 'Republic Red Chai'
Post-Steep Additives: lactose free fat free milk
Made it creamier less water and masked the rooibos woodiness (not necessarily a positive).
Resteep: 6 minutes or more, 6 ounce cup, not as strong but drinkable, yea! I like it when teabags handle a resteep, it's an unexpected surprise.
Rating: 2/3

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