Tea: Wuyi Yancha (Wuyi Rock Tea)
Type: Black Tea
Type: Oolong Tea
Packaging: Loose Leaf
Company: Golden Moon Tea Company
Purchase: Tea Insider Club
Description: In the famous Wuyi Mountains winds the Nine Bend River, the homeland to the renowned Wuyi rock teas. Scattered about the steep high mountain cliffs, the tea plants reach deep into the mineral-rich soils, pulling up the nutrients while cool misty clouds keep the leaves succulent and tasty. This tea was fired at a hot temperature that compliments the high degree of oxidation of the tea leaves. The taste and aroma are very complex and the leaves can be resteeped many times.
Origin: Fujian Province, China
Steep Information:
Amount: 5 tsp
Water: 750ml at 212°F
Tool: Breville One-Touch Tea Maker BTM800XL
Steep Time: 1 minute 30 seconds
Served: Hot
Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: roasty
Steeped Tea Smell: floral, roasty, maybe even a little dirt (like puerh)
Flavor: nutty, floral, roasty, slightly gritty mouthfeel, sweet finish
Body: Medium
Liquor: translucent light orange brown
very light and yet complex for this first steep
750ml at 212°F for 2 minutes
750ml at 212°F for 2 minutes 30 seconds
lighter flavor
750ml at 212°F for 3 minutes
lighter flavor
7 is a lie, no way
Rating: 2/4 leaves

Leaf system:
1=Bleh! not again if it were free
2=Acceptable, if it were free or there were limited other tea options
3=I might purchase this tea from time to time, or select it while out
4=A staple in our cupboard from now on, I will purchase and keep purchasing
I purchased this product. All my reviews are as unbiased as possible, whether I buy or receive free product. I accept no other compensation other than free product.

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